Brew Sheet Sections

Brew Information

The brew information section of your brew sheets contains the name and date of the specific brew you are viewing. It also lists other brews that are in the same batch as this one.

NameThe name of the brew
DateThe date the brew was prepared
RelatedA list of all other brews that are in the same batch as this one, provided by Brew Ninja

Schedule Information for Batch

This section displays relevant information from the brew calendar.

Your Categories

After the Brew Information and Schedule Information for Batch sections, the categories and fields you configured in this article will be displayed. Each category has its own section; these sections are ordered by the priority value you specified for the category. When viewing your brew sheets, only the fields that have values will be displayed. If you left a field blank in the editor, it will not be included when viewing the brew sheet.


The ingredients section contains a table of all the ingredients used in the brew. When a brew is created, this table will be a copy of the ingredients in the brew's recipe; however, you can add, modify, and remove ingredients from this without altering the original recipe. Visit this article for more information on substituting ingredients for specific brews.


The Transfers section provides a list of all transfers between tanks this batch has undergone. This includes tank-to-tank transfers as well as initially adding the batch to a tank.