Tax Codes
If any sales transactions are enabled, each Brew Ninja tax code must be matched to its equivalent QuickBooks tax code. If a Brew Ninja tax code is not matched to a QuickBooks equivalent, then sales can not be pushed to QuickBooks.
For U.S. QuickBooks accounts, you must map all Brew Ninja tax codes to either the TAX or NON (eg, non-taxable) QuickBooks Tax Codes; these codes map to the QuickBooks Smart Taxation system, and will be recalculated once pushed to QuickBooks based on your U.S. State and County Tax rules.
Environmental Deposits
In order to handle Enviro charge (i.e., bottle deposit), an Enviro Charge Item must be created to appear on QuickBooks sales transactions.
Creating the QuickBooks Environmental / Deposit Item
- Create an account with Category Type of Other Current Liabilities.
- Set the Detail Type to Current tax liability.
- Name the account Enviro/Bottle Deposits.
- Create a Service Item with the name Enviro/Bottle Deposit.
- Set the income account to be the one you created in step 1-3.
- Make sure to set a tax. Generally this is the excempt Exempt tax code.
- In Brew Ninja set the Enviro/Bottle Deposit Item to the item created in step 4.
Tax Adjustments
In order to handle tax adjustments for items with a minimum taxable price, a Tax Adjustment Item must be created to appear on QuickBooks sales transactions.
Creating the QuickBooks Tax Adjustment Item
- Create an account with Category Type of Other Current Liabilities.
- Set the Detail Type to Current tax liability.
- Name the account Tax Adjustment Item.
- Create a Service Item with the name Tax Adjustment Item.
- Set the income account to be the one you created in step 1-3.
- Make sure to set a tax. Generally this is the excempt Exempt tax code.
- In Brew Ninja set the Tax Adjustment Item to the item created in step 4.
Shipping and Freight
Purchase Orders can have an optional Shipping COGS account specified. This will be the category used for all shipping costs on the QuickBooks Bill. If this account is not specified shipping line items will be billed to the material account tied to the materials on the Purchase Order. If there are multiple materials with the same asset account configured, one line item will show up combining all of the shipping totals. If there are multiple materials with different asset accounts, each asset account will get it's own line on the QuickBooks Bill.
Creating the QuickBooks Shipping & Freight Account
- Create an account with Category Type of Cost of Goods Sold.
- Set the Detail Type to Shipping, Freight and Delivery - COS.
- Name the account Shipping, Freight and Delivery - COS.
- In Brew Ninja set the Shipping & Freight Account (COGS) to the account created in step 4.