Rental Deposits
Brew Ninja deposits and refunds keg and equipment deposits to a QuickBooks liability account. To handle rental depsoits, a Rental Deposit Charge Item must be created to appear on QuickBooks sales transactions. If any sales transactions are enabled, this item must be assigned as the QuickBooks Rental Deposit Charge Item.
Creating the QuickBooks Rental Deposit Charge Item
- Create an account with Category Type of Other Current Liabilities.
- Set the Detail Type to Rents in trust - Liability.
- Name the account Equipment Rental Deposits.
- Create a Service Item with the name Equipment Rental Deposit.
- Set the income account to be the one you created in step 1-3.
- Make sure to set a tax. Generally this is the exempt Exempt tax code.
- In Brew Ninja set the Rental Deposit Charge Item to the item created in step 4.