Activities that affect WIPS

Activities that affect WIPs are any action performed on a tank. The following are a list of actions that describe their effect on WIPs in a tank.

Adding A Batch

Once complete, the individual ingredients of the batch will be added as WIPs to the tank, instead of the entire batch as one WIP. In the case of adding a batch to a tank with an existing batch, the ingredients will be blended together and consequently if the batches share ingredients then they will form a single WIP with the added amount.


In packaging, WIP ingredients will be removed and WIP sku packaging, additional materials, and finished products will be added.


In the case of packaging a composite sku, such as a mixer pack, you will have multiple WIPs relating to each individual sku within the composite sku. If you want to know the composite sku of a finished product's WIP, you will see it in the To Sku column of a WIP report. See here for more information of WIP Status Reports.


In the case of scanned packaging, any shrink detected will be automatically and proportionally attributed to all packaged products.

Adding Ingredients

Adding an ingredient simply adds a single WIP of that ingredient into the tank. This is commonly referred to as 'Juice'.

Tank Transfers

A tank transfer will create WIPs in the source tank for ingredients removed as well as create WIPs for the addition of ingredients to a destination tank. If you want to know information about removed ingredient as a result of a transfer, you may look at the Transfer column in a WIP report. See here for more information of WIP Status Reports.