Understanding Inventory Counts and Snapshots

Inventory counts allow you to update your inventory in Brew Ninja to match your physical inventory while tracking any unexpected changes. They are also used to audit your physical inventory to ensure you have everything you expect on hand.

The lifecycle of an inventory count consists of several steps. First, a user creates an inventory count. This saves the present state of your Brew Ninja inventory. That user then enters the state of your physical inventory - performing a count. When that is complete, an inventory manager must then reconcile any differences between the expected and actual quantities before finalizing the count.

Valuation reports are available for inventory counts as soon as they have been created. After a count has been finalized, an adjustment report detailing the change in quantities of materials and products is also available.

In comparison, inventory snapshots are simply a record of the state of your inventory at a specific time. Valuation reports are also available for inventory snapshots.