Reconcile an inventory count

  1. Select the inventory count you wish to reconcile.
  2. In the top-right section of the page, click Edit/Reconcile.
  3. Optionally, filter items to only include the items that require adjustment.
    • In the search options, select Discrepancies and click Go
    • Brew Ninja will now omit entries where the amount on record and the amount counted are equal.
  4. For each entry with a discrepancy in the amounts counted and on record, enter the adjusted quantity. This is the quantity Brew Ninja will use when finalizing your inventory count.
  5. Optionally, enter a reason for the discrepancy. Visit this article for more information on configuring discrepancy reasons.
  6. When you have adjusted all items in the page, continue to the next page.
  7. When you have finished adjusting all items in the count, click Save All to save and return to the view page.
  8. Your inventory count is now ready for finalization.

Finalize an inventory count.

  1. Select the inventory count you wish to complete.

    If the Complete button is not available, you have not finished reconciling the inventory count. In the top-right section of the page, click Complete.

  2. Brew Ninja will now apply the adjusted values from the inventory count to your inventory.