Primary Roles

A user's primary role determines what shows up on their dashboard. Primary roles also have default permissions settings.

Permission to configure business partners, manage equipment, and approve and submit purchase orders, retail sales, and sales orders.
Dashboard includes quick links to reports on sales persons and daily retail and wholesale sales activity. Also includes quick links to accounting tasks - managing sales orders, retail sales, rentals, and deliveries.
Sales Person
Grants permission to configure business partners, make deliveries, and create purchase orders, retail sales, and sales orders. By default, these users cannot approve sales orders or purchase orders.
Dashboard includes a quick list of pending deliveries, as well as quick links to sales tasks - viewing sales orders, product inventory, deliveries, rentals, and equipment.
Retail Clerk
A limited role for users working as a retail clerk. Grants permission to create retail sales.
Dashboard includes a summary of beer on tap and quick links to retail tasks - creating retail sales, and viewing retail sales and product inventory.
A wide role granting permissions needed for configuring and using Brew Ninja's production features.
Dashboard includes a summary of current events on the brewing schedule as well as quick links to production tasks - managing tank, product, and material inventory, and managing equipment and recipes.
A limited role for delivery users.
Dashboard includes a quick list of pending deliveries, as well as quick links to delivery tasks - viewing deliveries, sales orders, rentals, and equipment.

Configuring a User's Roles

  1. Click Setup → Users.
  2. Find the user you wish to configure roles for. Click Roles.
  3. Select the user's primary role. This defines what will be visible on the user's dashboard.
  4. If you wish to apply the default permissions for a role, click set defaults.
  5. If you wish to fine-tune the user's permissions, click fine tune permission. You will be able to configure in detail the permissions of each user.

For more information about specific user permissions, visit this article.

Admin Access

Users may be given administrative privileges granting full access to the system. This role is required to configure users. To grant a user full access, check Full Access under fine tune permission.