Approving and Rejecting Sales Orders

Managers with Approve permissions may approve or reject sales orders.

View Pending Sales Orders

  1. Click Transactions → Sales Orders.
  2. Select Pending Approval in the status search box. Click Go.
  3. Only pending sales are visible now. Select an order you wish to review.

Approving a Sales Order

  1. Select the sales order you wish to approve.
  2. Click Approve. If this sales order has a planned delivery date, a delivery will automatically be created for that date.
  3. The sales order now has a status of Approved. If a delivery was created, it also now has a status of Scheduled.

Rejecting a Sales Order

  1. Select the sales order you wish to reject.
  2. Click Reject.
  3. The sales order now has a status of Rejected.

Reset an Approval Status

  1. Select the sales order you wish to modify.
  2. Click reset approval.
  3. The sales order has returned to its previous Pending status.