Approving and Rejecting Sales Orders
Managers with Approve permissions may approve or reject sales orders.
View Pending Sales Orders
- Click Transactions → Sales Orders.
- Select Pending Approval in the status search box. Click Go.
- Only pending sales are visible now. Select an order you wish to review.
Approving a Sales Order
- Select the sales order you wish to approve.
- Click Approve. If this sales order has a planned delivery date, a delivery will automatically be created for that date.
- The sales order now has a status of Approved. If a delivery was created, it also now has a status of Scheduled.
Rejecting a Sales Order
- Select the sales order you wish to reject.
- Click Reject.
- The sales order now has a status of Rejected.
Reset an Approval Status
- Select the sales order you wish to modify.
- Click reset approval.
- The sales order has returned to its previous Pending status.