When packaging from a tank to finished products such as kegs, cans, or bottles, the cost of goods sold is distributed amongst those products. If you receive an error regarding the cost of goods sold being higher than anticipated and you are prevented from finishing the packaging process, there are a number of tools you can utilize to determine if the cost of goods sold that was calculated was justified, or if there was a bad record that contributed to those cost overage.
Tank WIP Report
The tank WIP report shows the ingredients that went in, and were taken out, as part of the brewing and transferring process. This table will show each individual ingredient, its quantity, and your cost for that quantity.
To run the Tank WIP Report:
- Click on Production → Tanks
- Find the tank you wish to view the current WIP Report for
- Expand the details for that tank
- Click the "Tank WIPs" link at the bottom of the details.
Alternatively, you can generate a new report if you know the tank you'd like to generate the report for:
- Click on the Reports menu
- Under the Production heading, click on the Tank WIP Status item
- Select the tank you wish to view the current WIP status for; You can also just run a report for all tanks in order to find any invariances across all your current tanks.
Reading the Tank WIP Report
This sample report shows that two brews' worth of ingredients were added to the tank, and include the cost per unit (per 1 Kilogram, for example), as well as the total cost of that deposit. There is a Transfer Document number listed here as well, "PTR-0004-BN."
Looking over each line, are there any numbers where the cost seems unreasonably high or low? Make a note of that, as well as the Transfer Document number, and adjust the WIP details in the Product Transfer History page.
Product Transfer History
If you catch an error in the Tank WIP, you can adjust this in the Product Transfer History (PTH) page.
- Navigate to Production → Transfer History
- Search for the Transfer Document number you recorded earlier
- If you did not record the Transfer Document number, you can use the various filters to find the Product Transfer History item you need, such as the brew start/end date, or if it was a transfer from or to a tank.
Adjusting WIP Details
Once you have found the Product Transfer History record you would like to adjust, click the ▶ icon to expand this Product Transfer History details. You will see some basic details, as well as the WIP Entries grid for that transfer. If you have ☆ Elevated Permissions, you will also see Unit Cost and Total In (or Total Out) columns with prices; you can adjust these prices to the correct value.
NOTE: If you make a change here, and there were multiple transfers during this batch, it will likely not effect the cost of goods sold for the packaging transfer. Be sure to view all transfer entries that occurred during this batch and repeat your adjustments. You can also just click the Batch name to show a similar grid, but showing all Transfer History documents related to this batch.
If the shrink is too high, determine if someone entered some incorrect volumes (Final Tank Reading), or quantities (Count) and fix the values before packaging
Previous Packaging Costs
If the shrink is fine, and the costs are fine, then the issue may have been with the previous packaging attempt. If the shrink was high the previous time, then the cost may seem too low this time. If the shrink was too low, or negative, then the cost may appear inflated this time.