Bulk Finalising


Bulk finalising provides an easy way to make many Retail Sales as finalized at once. This is most useful when receiving Retail Sales from Square Payments as you may be left with many sales pending finalization each day. Bulk Finalization can be done from the Retail Sales list screen (Transactions → Retail Sales).

Sales That Need Attention

Sales that require attention are noted on the grid with an exclamation mark in the far left column. You can also use the filter on the grid to only show such sales. Sales that have this flag set can not be bulk finalized.

Retail Sales can manually be marked as needs attention, or they will be marked as such by the Square Payments importer if they totals do not match in Square and Brew Ninja. This can happen if taxes or bottle deposits are not configured correctly.

Once you have investigated a sale that needs attention, and are confident it is correct, you can clear the needs attention flag in the retail sale edit page.

Finalizing Pending Sales

Click on the Finalize Pending Sales button. You will be presented with a list of sales that are elegible to be finalized. Confirm that you wish to finalize these sales by clicking on the Proceed button. If you have connected your Brew Ninja to QuickBooks, all finalized sales will also be pushed to QuickBooks at this time.

Export Sales as Invoice

If your Brew Ninja account is connected to QuickBooks, you can finalize multiple sales at once and export them all to a single invoice. Visit this article for more information on exporting retail sales to an invoice.