Kegging from a Tank

  1. Click Production → Tanks.
  2. Find the tank you wish to package from.
  3. Click the arrow to view the possible actions to perform on a tank.
  4. Click Scan & Package Kegs.
  5. Select the recipe you are packaging. This lets Brew Ninja determine which product skus are being packaged simply by scanning or entering the serial number. All recipes that have been added to the tank are available to select here.
  6. Click Scan Now.

  7. Barcode scanning
    1. Point your device's camera at the serial number you wish to scan. Brew Ninja will continue with the packaging process as soon as it identifies a serial number. You may be asked for permission to use the camera, which you should allow.
    Manual entry
    1. If Brew Ninja cannot find a usable camera on your device, you may enter the serial number manually. Select Switch to Manual Entry.
    2. Enter the serial number. Click Add.

  8. If Brew Ninja found multiple active product skus that could be matched to your serial number, you will be asked to select which product sku you intend to package into. Select the intended product sku you wish to package. Click Ok.
  9. Review the items you have scanned.
  10. If you have more items to scan, click Scan Now.
  11. Repeat the above steps until you have scanned all of the kegs you are filling.
  12. Enter the final volume of the tank. If the tank is empty, leave this value at zero.
  13. Click Proceed.
  14. If any materials were wasted or lost while packaging products, enter their quantities.
  15. Click Done.
  16. Brew Ninja will now add the packaged product skus to your inventory and deduct the consumed materials from the source tank.


Why could there be multiple product skus for a single serial number?

Brew Ninja allows you to create as many product skus as you like - even if some have the same recipe and container. You might want to create two versions of the same recipe and keg size - a regular version and a holiday special, perhaps. If both product skus are active, Brew Ninja will always ask you which one you meant rather than guessing.

Why can't Brew Ninja find my serial number?

If Brew Ninja cannot find the serial number you just scanned or entered, check the status of that piece of equipment - it may be marked as out on a rental.