Create a Material

  1. Click Inventory → Materials.
  2. Click the add button to add a material to inventory.

  3. Change the materials details by clicking on the box you want to edit. For information about material details, visit Material Details.
  4.  Save your changes by clicking out of the selected box.

Edit a Material

  1. Click Inventory → Materials.
  2. To change the material or quantity, click the desired box to change the value. To change other details of the material, such as Category, you must go to Setup → Materials to change that material's details.
  3. Save your changes by clicking out of the selected box.

Delete a Material

  1. Click Inventory → Materials.
  2. Find the row of the material you want to delete, then click the delete button at the end of the row.
  3. Your material and its quantity has now been removed from inventory.