Creating a Sales Order (Mobile)

  1. Begin by clicking Sales & Deliveries in the main menu.
  2. Select a customer, then click New Sales Order.
  3. Next you will choose from a list of recipes. You may sort alphabetically or by availability. Availability is determined based on inventory. If all products of a recipe are not in inventory, the recipe will be unavailable. 
  4. Once clicked, you will be shown a list of products made with the selected recipe. Click a product then decrease or increase the quantity of that product using the button in the pop up. Click outside the pop up to save changes.
  5. Next you may review your order and either go back to add more items by clicking Add More or finish the sales order by clicking Continue.

  6. At the last screen you may change the default Desired Delivery Date and optionally add notes to the order. In order to flag the sales order as ready to be approved, activate the "Auto Submit" checkmark. 

  7. Your order is now complete and is available to view by clicking Transactions → Sales Orders. 

* If you are ready to make a delivery, visit Making a Delivery (Mobile).