Creating a New Product Sku

  1. Click Setup → Product Skus.
  2. Click the Add button to add a new product sku.

  3. Fill out the form detailing product information such as name, type, and packaging required.
  4. Once complete, click the Update button at the bottom of the form.
  5. Your new product sku will now appear at the top of the table under Setup → Product Skus.

Editing SKUs/Adding Manually

  1. If you need to change the volume, quantity, name, etc. of the SKU after you have created it, go to Setup -> Product SKUs.
  2. Click on the blue edit button the the far right side of the item if you want to change an already existing SKU.  
  3. The following steps explain how to add a product SKU manually, but you will also follow these steps if you want to edit an already existing SKU. The menu that comes up when editing an already existing SKU is the same setup for creating SKUs from scratch.
  4. To create a SKU manually, hit the blue “add” button, instead of hitting “add beer SKU” as we did before.
  5. On the first edit screen, you will be able to change the SKU name, barcode, category (i.e. beer, food, merchandise, etc.) as well as the beer type (i.e. poured, pourable, packaged).

  6. In the contents menu, you can choose which recipe is in the SKU, the container volume, the volume unit (i.e. litres, millilitres), and how many containers are in a pack (in the case of bottles and cans).

  7. In the packaging menu, you can list what materials make up the packaged product. For cans, you might have the cans and the labels. For kegs, you might have the keg, keg collar, and keg cap.

  8. At least one of these items has to be designated as a container. There will be a box that you can check in the edit menu. If there is no material designated as a container, you will not be able to update the product SKU.

  9. In the pricing menu, you can add wholesale, retail, and government prices, as well as environment deposit and levy charges.

  10. Once everything is filled in, hit update, and you’re done!

Deleting a Product Sku

  1. Once a product is no longer being used, you should delete the product SKU by unchecking the Misc → Active checkbox. This will make it no longer visible on Brew Ninja. However, should you wish use this product in the future, simply check the Active checkbox.
  2. If you wish to permanently delete the product sku instead, click the delete button next to the edit button.